Pictures and barcode information are automatically placed on the collage.
Pictures and barcode information are automatically placed on the collage.
Your product images are automatically transferred to the collage one by one without manual and long efforts.
Your product images are automatically transferred to the collage one by one without manual and long efforts.
All your collages are automatically created in accordance with your collage format by integrating your collage format that you have determined in accordance with your brand identity into our system in the exact same way without changing it.
All your collages are automatically created in accordance with your collage format by integrating your collage format that you have determined in accordance with your brand identity into our system in the exact same way without changing it.
With our W-Shop Android and IOS application, you can easily create your collages with your mobile device without the need for a computer.
With our W-Shop Android and IOS application, you can easily create your collages with your mobile device without the need for a computer.